Monday, December 5, 2011

Interview with Melissa Nicole of Madisyn's 1102 / Madisyn Nicole Design's

Melissa Nicole of Madisyn's 1102

Melissa Nicole of Madisyn's 1102

What's Your Name?

Melissa Nicole

List your shop(s) -

Melissa Nicole :

Madisyn's 1102

Madisyn's 1102 was my first store through Zazzle and at the time that I signed up I had no intentions on selling anything, I originally created an account so that I could look for fundraising/awareness items. When I couldn't find exactly what I needed I decided to create my own, since I was new & had no clue what I was doing I guess I accidently posted my design's for sale without realizing it. A few day's later I received an email showing my sales and I had ended up making like twenty sales, I was so shocked and decided to continue to play around with some more design's and now I'm so addicted to Zazzle.

Madisyn Nicole Design's

Madisyn Nicole Design's was started after I became more familiar with Zazzle, it is more focused towards wedding, baby shower, special event and customized items whereas Madisyn's 1102 sales a little bit of everything.

How long have you been at Zazzle?

Melissa Nicole :
I joined Zazzle on January first of 2011.

Rico: Are you a ProSeller?

Melissa Nicole :
I am very honored to say that I am a ProSeller! I made ProSeller status right around two months after making my first sell.

What's the best advise you got when you were starting out?

Melissa Nicole :
Hmm, well to be honest I really haven't received advice from other Zazzler's. Don't get me wrong I have met some pretty awesome Zazzler's and they are always willing to help, but I tend to be the type of person that has to figure everything out on my own.

What medium/tools do you use to create your designs?

Melissa Nicole :
I pretty much use anything and everything! Most of my design's on Zazzle are done with Paint Shop and my sketch tablet, but I also love photography, oil painting and charcoal.

Who or what inspires you?

Melissa Nicole :
I'm one of those people who can find inspiration from pretty much anything, but I'd have to say my biggest inspiration comes from my daughter, my grandmother and all fellow Endometriosis & Ovarian Cancer sister's.

My daughter of course is my biggest inspiration, she is truly my greatest accomplishment and I live everyday for her. My Grandmother whom I lost to leukemia, was an absolutely fabulous artist; in fact two of her biggest fans were John Wayne and Chuck Norris. She was always such a huge inspiration because of not only her talent but also her love for art, it was her life and it brought her so much joy. Her one wish throughout her life was to get her master's in art, she lost my grandfather though during the great depression so unfortunately she was never able to afford a college education while my mom was a child. I am so proud to say though that at the age of seventy-two she finally earned her masters degree! It took her 16 yrs and sadly she died two month's after receiving it but she did it, which I think is a huge inspiration to anyone. She not only told me but she also showed me, that you really can accomplish anything as long as you have the drive and passion.

How much time a week to you spend on Zazzle?

Melissa Nicole :
My time on Zazzle differs from day to day, I've had those day's where I'm on for 24hrs working on custom order's but I also have those day's when I spend just a few minutes to check my message's. I try my hardest to spend at least a few minutes a day working on it but being a single mommy recovering from health problems there are sometimes when I just can't make time.

What's the best advise you can give someone just starting out on Zazzle?

Melissa Nicole :
To be patient, dedicated and do not sell anything that you, yourself would never buy!
One of the biggest mistakes that I've noticed is people tend to get frustrated when they don't start making money right away, so they simply give up.

You have to remember that there are thousands of us out there trying to sell our work online, it is basically your own business so yes all those other Zazzler's are basically your competition (no offense). So, if you want those big dollar sign's you have to work for it; it doesn't matter if your work is the best work out there, your still not going to be noticed unless you dedicate a large amount of your time to advertising and networking. Also, don't take it personally if it does take a while to start making regular sales or if your sales suddenly drop! Anybody in sales should know that just because you made 100 sells last week doesn't mean you will next week. We all have are slow weeks/season's that can be very disappointing, but if you believe in your work then hang in there, work hard and be patient; eventually you'll be noticed.

What do you like to do when you are not creating art?

Melissa Nicole :
99.9% of my time is dedicated to my daughter! After dealing with severe health problems I learned what is truly important in life and I learned how fast your life can totally change forever or even end, so I always try my hardest to spend every possible minute with my daughter and other loved one's.

Tell me 5 random things everyone should know about you?

Melissa Nicole :
Five random things about me, hmm? Why is this question always so difficult for me to answer? Well let's see;

1. I'm a huge perfectionist & it drives me absolutely crazy.
2. I am an advocate, fighter and survivor of Endometriosis, Hysterectomy Abuse & Ovarian Cancer Awareness.
3. I love the color pink because it makes me feel feminine and powerful.
4. I never give up on anything.
5. Having 20 surgery's and enduring a medical nightmare between the ages of 24-27 made me a stronger & totally different person.

List 3 of your favorite designs you want me to feature. Tell me something about each design.

Melissa Nicole :
I think my 3 favorite designs would have to be:

The Whittlee Invitation

The Whittlee Invitation - Because it is very girly, a little sexy, yet sophisticated and simple. This one was actually inspired by my grandmother, she was always so glamorous and had an old Hollywood feel to her. I remember she would never be seen without her red lipstick, Elizabeth Taylor perfume and she was always draped in feather's, diamonds and pearls.

The Sutton Wedding Announcement Post Card

The Sutton Photo Announcement- Because I love the color combo, I'm loving all the fun color's that bride's are using lately; there so fun and vibrant.

and last but not least

Hello Baby - birth announcement

The Hello Baby Announcement- Because It's very simple and there's not much to it, but I think it is such a cute way to announce your new little bundle of joy.

This is one of my personal favorite designs from your shop

Lovely Lilly Canvas Deco Print

Rico: I absolutely love this print! Everything about it reminds me of a sunny spring or summer day. It is beautiful.

Where else can our readers find you online?

Melissa Nicole :
As of right now you can find me on Zazzle or feel free to email me for custom orders or more info at,. Or for awareness/non-profit help or service's feel free to contact me at for more info. I do offer free design work for non-profits and fundraising events!

Beside's Zazzle I do have another web store as well as a small local boutique, but at the moment the web store is under construction, I hope to have it back up around the first of the year with all new design's. I will be posting updates and more contact info on my Zazzle profile wall so be sure to visit often.

Proceeds' made from my Zazzle store's are donated to Ovarian Cancer, Endometriosis & Hysterectomy Awareness.



Redbubble Portfolio


1 comment:

  1. Aww, thanks so much Rico! You did an awesome job & I am honored. Congratulate your wife for me, on her two year's. I wish you guy's a happy & healthy holiday. Take care.
