Want to be Featured here?

Zazzle Shopkeepers :  

If you have a Zazzle Shop here is a chance for a week long double promotion on two of my blogs. I have revised the interview questions for 2013.


Zazzle Shopkeepers only.
You must have at least 25 different designs in you shop.

Here is how it works;

1. Contact me via the "Send Message" link in My Store Subject should be : "Send Me Questions 2013" please include an email address where I can send the interview, or Email Me @ ricoarico@gmail.com Subject should be : "Send Me Questions 2013"

2. I'll email you the 21 question interview and ask which or your stores you want featured on my All That Zazzle blog. You'll have an opportunity to feature 5 product of your choosing. I'll pick another 5 products to feature on this blog.

3. When I receive your answers, I'll post the interview in two parts (1st part on a Sunday the 2nd part on a Wednesday) that will keep interest in the blog throughout the week. The interview gets posted in my Zazzle Shopkeeper of the Day Blog

4. I'll post you store of the week feature on the same Sunday I post the 1st part of your interview on my All That Zazzle blog.

5. I'll send you an email with links to the blogs when your interview is posted so you can promote it.

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